Stray Bullets

State-Terrorism and PIRA's 'No Alternative' to violence: Part I: From NICRA to OCGs

E.S. Haggan Season 3 Episode 5

The first episode looking at a new series of topics. I've an awful lot to unpack in succeeding episodes, so this is more of an episode in which I will begin to establish some factors preceding the Troubles as well as considering a small part of PIRA's Green Book and which leads me on to present day Northern Ireland's plague of violent organised crime groups. 


Patterson, Henry, The Politics of Illusion: a Political History of the IRA, London, Serif, 1997

Jackson, Alvin, Ireland 1798 - 1998: Politics and War, Oxford, Blackwell, 1999

Purdie, Bob, Was the Civil Rights Movement a Republican / Communist Conspiracy, Irish Political Studies 3

English, Richard, Armed Struggle: the History of the IRA, London, Macmillan, 2003

Alonso, Rogelio, The IRA and Armed Struggle, London and New York, Routledge, 2007         

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