Stray Bullets
Having served over thirty years in the RUC / PSNI I was medically retired with CPTSD. Dissociative Identity Disorder also evolved in me as a residue of CPTSD. I wrote a novel, 'The Bitter End of Dreams', through which I hoped to reflect the experiences of working class folk caught in the grip of a sectarian conflict. I set my story in Belfast, but replaced the Judeo-Christian god with that of Mithras. I also gave Northern Ireland an extra county. Such counterfactual alterations opened up for me the opportunity to place my story deep within the NI Troubles without being shackled to specific timelines, events and real people - thus avoiding the risk of libelling anyone, while being able to write a story, familiar to many, and retaining a sense of place and the tragedy of the Troubles. I'm going to talk openly about elements of policing the Troubles, religion, politics, sectarianism and our toxic ideologies. I've explored these topics in my novel, as well as the placing of actual events and atrocities; albeit heavily disguised or deeply submerged in subtext.To better frame my thoughts I will, firstly, discuss each chapter in sequence before reading that chapter. In this way I should be able to complete a spoken word version of my novel while using the opportunity it provides to elaborate on its creation process in the context of the NI Troubles.Thank you.
Stray Bullets
An Unintended Interlude
I'd just recorded Part II of my consideration of Forgiveness and Recrimination in a post-conflict Northern Ireland when my SSD gave up the ghost. On retrospect it may have been a blessing in disguise as I wasn't completely happy with the experimental format of the episode, besides I'd only noticed several dropouts in the recording just as I was completing it which would've meant rerecording it!
So, I'm going to revise the format and presentation of Part II. It'll also give me a chance to do a bit more research too. Therefore, Part II will follow this episode.
In terms of this episode, well it sort of ran away with itself, or my mind unspooled slightly (probably both are apt!). I was just reminded - by what or who I don't recall, it may even have been one of my many so called 'hallucinations' (I go along with my psychiatrist on that terminology, but my 'hallucinations' have substance. Still, agreeing with the professionals sometimes makes for an easier road.
Anyway, this episode is a bit scattergun. I wanted to consider my juxtaposition - as a RUC officer - to that of a member of PIRA whom I had stopped sometime after PIRA's second ceasefire, and possibly closer to the Good Friday Agreement. It's a quite mundane tale, but again, I feel. highlights the multiplicity demanded by the (RUC) job.
I promise 'normal service' will be resumed next episode as my new laptop is all whistles and bells, plus I flew through this recording in a fraction of the time it used to take me on my now defunct one - I don't have to watch the recording software hang for ages and then crash either!
Once again, many thanks for sticking with me through these podcasts, or even just listening in once or twice before deciding it's not for you.
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